
coming up... NEXT!!

salam olls............
sorry sangat2 sebab lama tk update. usai sahaja jualan yg sgt memberansangkan untuk Syawal yg lalu, (mostly bz di FB & Bazaar) so blog ni ditinggalkan sepi. but insyaAllah in future will update more with our interesting up coming ideas & concept. now we are bz working on hari raya haji & wedding theme for our collections! it is going to be an exclusive design base on our ideas & interest. we hope u guys wil like it as we did :D
ok, lemme giv some sneak peak on our next project. wait for more, pretty soon, yeahhh! can guess? of course u guys can, right? *ngeeee*

last but not least.... we are now registered as DQ Closets, officially we owned a company already and carry the label DRAMAQUEENSCLOSET as published. yey, syukran! semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan & hala tuju perniagaan kami ini. thanx for all your support. Allah bless. amin!

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